Our soundbath meditations take place in some of the most beautiful places in the world with the most loving, intuitive, experienced healers in the world. Each class is unique with its own energy. Check out our instructors page, and our schedule to choose which experience is calling you.
Candlelight Location
1540 6th St, Santa Monica, CA 90401
We are located downtown Santa Monica on 6th and Broadway.
There is 2 hr free street parking along 6th Street, as well as parking meters across the street at 6th and Colorado (1664 Colorado Santa Monica, CA, 90401)
Please come a few minutes early to check-in, remove your shoes, and get situated on your mat.
Beach Location
2400 Ocean Front Walk, Santa Monica, CA 90405
We are located next to Lifeguard Tower 24, there is a Perry’s Cafe in the parking lot and set of volleyball courts next to us.
Parking is $1 an hour in that parking lot.